Humility Brings Wisdom

Most fights aren't about policy & principle, or about right or wrong; they're almost always about pride.  "Pride leads to conflict".
Quarrels are fuelled by pride, by needing to be right, by wanting our way, or by defending our turf or our egos. 
On the other side, wisdom resides with the well-advised-those who listen & learn, those who allow themselves to be instructed.  There is wisdom in those who allow themselves to be instructed.  There is wisdom in those who humble themselves - those who set aside their own selfish ambition; who acknowledge the limits of their own understanding; who listen to other person's point of view; who allow their own ideas to be corrected.  This is the wisdom from God that spreads peace wherever it goes.
 - David Roper

Where there is strife, there is pride, 
but wisdom is found in those who
take advice.
 - Proverbs 13:10


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