
Showing posts from March, 2024

Encouraging Quotes - 31/03/24

🌸To love means loving the unlovable.  🌸To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable.  🌸Faith means believing the unbelievable.  🌸Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless. ~G.K. Chesterton

Prayer - 30/03/24

Abba Father in Heaven, we thank you for Your great love for us by sending your one & only son to the cross of Calvary for our sins, forgiveness & redemption. Lord Jesus, you obediently fulfill your Father's plan for the salvation of  lost souls. Lord Jesus, you were rejected, mock, in agony and like a rose trampled on the ground, You took the fall and thought of us above all. Lord Jesus you rise up again on the third day, and is sitteth at the Right Hand of God the Father, you are the Living Hope and you reign Powerfully & Majestically forever and ever. Amen

QUOTE - 28/03/24

Show me the way, not to fortune and fame, not how to win laurels or praise for my name, but show me the way to spread the great story that Thine is the kingdom and power and glory - Helen Steiner Rice

PRAYER - 27/03/24

Abba Father in Heaven we thank you for sending your one and only son to the cross for our redemption,  forgiveness & healing. Lord Jesus you willing obey your Father's command, you were afflicted, in pain and in deep agony, You were crushed so that we can enter into your Throne of Grace and Mercy. Truly, nothing can cleanse our sin and make us whole again, absolutely nothing except by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.  We stand in awe of what You have done. May we not take our redemption for granted but to work it out with fear & trembling. You are forever Holy and You reign forever more. We love you Lord Jesus . Amen

Encouraging Quotes - 26/03/24

It's not about knowing it all, having it all, being it all, or doing it all. It's about trusting God through it all.

PRAYER - 24/03/24

Abba Father in Heaven, we can search for all eternity long and find there is none like You. We praise you for you are our Lord, we exalt you for you are our King, we give you thanks for your love endure forever. We enthroned you and we proclaim you are King of our lives.  Hosanna in the Highest.  Amen

Prayer - 18/03/24

"Be still & know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. PS. 46:10 PRAYER: Father, thank you for reminding us that in a trouble filled world, You are our constant companion & protector. Amen

Prayer - 13/03/24

Lord you are the One  who set the captives free.  Lord we come against all shadows of darkness in the area of fear, depression, anxiety, addiction & demonic strongholds to go right now in Jesus Mighty Name In the Name of Jesus Let your light shine through all the dark shadows in their soul & mind &  bring life  In Jesus Name Amen

Prayer - 12/03/24

Lord Jesus You are our cornerstone . In every storms of Marriage, Relationship, Family, Finance, Work, Study, Nation & Sickness, You are Lord over all. Our hope is built on nothing else but on Christ alone. You are our Way Maker, Miracle Worker & Promise Keeper. You always make a way where there seems to be no way. Great is your faithfulness  Thank you for hearing our prayer. We Love you Lord Jesus Amen

D.L. Moody Word Of Wisdom 10/3/24

Once a man made this excuse "I am so busy that i do not have time to read the Bible" to the great evangelist, D.L. Moody.  He answered, "My friend if you are too busy to read the Bible everyday, you are busier than Almighty God ever intended any human being should be.

Healing Prayer - 06/03/24

Abba Father my body is the Holy Temple of God, you lived in me & I belong to You Lord you did not create me with sicknesses, diseases, pain & discomfort. Lord I pray you repair the the damage part of my body, heal &  restore it to its original condition. You have given me the authority in Jesus Name to command every infirmities & sicknesses & diseases to be removed in Jesus Name, by Your stripes I am healed I declared Matt 8:17 You took my infirmities and bored our diseases  Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer, In Jesus Name Amen