
Showing posts from October, 2023

❤️The True Measure Of A Person Is What's In The Heart❤️. 20/10/23

When God looks at us, He is more interested in our hearts than our height, the state of our soul than the structure of our face.   He doesn't see us as too old, too young, too small, or too big.   He zeroes in on the things that matter- our response to His love for us and our concern for other people (Mt.22:37-39). 2 Chron. 6:30 says that God alone knows the human heart.   When the God who has done so much for us looks at our heart, what does He see? - Jennifer Benson Schuldt "The true measure of a person is what's in the heart"❤️


🌸The fruit of the spirit does not manifest in your life simply because you desire it; it comes through a work of the Holy Spirit within your soul.   It is important that you be aware of the fruits of love, joy, peace, patient , kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in your life is displaying to others.   Are you exhibiting each of the nine fruits of the spirit in your daily life?  - freeda bowers Jesus says: My Father's glory is shown by your bearing much fruit; and in this way you become my disciples.   John 15: 8

❤️FATHER'S HEART❤️10/10/23

FROM THE FATHER'S ❤️ My child, you are often confused about who I am and where you are going.  When you arise in the morning, I am there with you.  When you work through the day, you will find Me close by.   From the time you open your eyes until you close them in the night, I am always with you, ready to guide you.   Do not worry about knowing how you fit into my plans.  Be concerned only with knowing Me and spending time together.   Your future is in My hands. -Rebecca Barlow Jordan Rev. 21:6 "I am the Alpha  and the Omega, the Beginning and the End"